Merry Christmas Everyone!

During the Christmas holidays, up to the 6th of January, it is common for every portuguese family to have a table prepared with several kinds of sweets, nuts and raisins. Here are some our recipes....

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Carrot Dreams – Sonhos de Cenoura

This is a very typical Christmas pastry in Portugal and there are different possible variations.
The recipe as described bellow was created by my mother and it tastes fantastically!

Pic by docesregionais

1 Kg mashed carrots
200 g powder sugar
200 g wheat flour
30 g baker’s yeast
4 egg yolks
3 whole eggs
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 orange’s zest
Frying oil


. mix the powder sugar with the mashed carrots

. add the flour and mix it well

. dissolve the baker’s yeast in warm water and add it to the mix

. add the eggs, the yolks, the zest and the cinnamon

. cover it with a cloth a let it rest until it doubles in volume

. heat up the oil in a pan

. spoon by spoon bring the “paste nuggets” to fry

. turn them continuously until they’re swollen and golden brown

. remove them from the oil with the help of a skimmer

. put them on absorbent paper in order to soak up the remaining oil

Note: after the first 2 to 3 tries you should check if the inside of the “carrot dream” has also been fried. Some people let them burst while frying to make sure they fry inside out.


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